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[CheongKwanJang Kid Tonic Youth Art Contest]
5세부터 12세 어린이들 다 모여라!
즐거운 상상력으로 만드는 어린이 미술대회 지금 도전하세요!
대회 주제 : "건강한 가족"
참가대상 : 5세 - 12세
기간: 7/31일(월) - 8/25일(금)
참가방식 :
1. Google Form 신청서 작성(사진으로 작품 업로드)

2. 실제 작품 인근 Brand Store 방문 후 제출 (BS리스트-신청서 참고)
신청서 링크>>
지금 바
로 신청하세요!

Calling all artists ages 5-12!
We invite you to be creative and enter into our art contest.
Theme: "Healthy Family"
Ages: 5 to 12
Period: July 31st (Mon) - August 25th (Fri)
How to Participate:
1. Complete the Google Form app
lication (upload your artwork photo).
2. Visit a Brand Store near you to submit your physical artwork (refer to the BS list in the application).
Application Link >>
Apply right away!

JungKwanJang, The World's No.1 Brand of Ginseng

JungKwanJang has been the largest health supplement company in South Korea today. We understand that we are in the business of improving our customers’ body and mind, so we always give 120% to ensure our products are effective, safe, and easy to consume. It is our attitude of giving our all that JungKwanJang products are the number one choice for South Koreans and many others from different countries. We want our customers to stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally, so they have a strong foundation that can help them face any challenges and enjoy life to the fullest.

정관장 JungKwanJang Korea Ginseng Corp.

San Francisco Bay Area Brand Store

Add: 2368 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95050

Tel : 408-985-1616 

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